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Thursday, October 13, 2011

How state of Kashmir fell into India's basket

Kashmir—the Mughal Emperor Jehangir, who reigned over most of India from 1605 to 1627, loved it there. He considered this northern region of wooded mountains, fragrant val- leys, streams, and lakes, with its views of the high Karakoram Mountains to the north, the nearest place possible to an earthly paradise.

The British, who followed the Mughals as India’s rulers and constructed a new set of arbitrary geographical, cultural, and economic boundaries in the extremely diverse land, also loved Kashmir. They transformed it into a top spot for holidays.

British India had many princely states (555) at the time of partition, and they were supposed to join either the dominion of India or that of Pakistan. Except few all princely states fell into the baskets of India.(either by force or by mutual understanding).

map shows princely states in British India

The princely states of Jammu and Kashmir, Junagad and Nawab of Hyderabad were still independent, they wished to remain independent. Junagad was a small princely state in western India (present day Gujarat), it was a Hindu majority state ruled by Muslim ruler, despite no boundary share with Pakistan, and he wished to accede his state to Pakistan against the wishes of his people. Finally the state was annexed by force and Nawab was able to flee to Pakistan with his wives and pets.

How Kashmir fell into India’s basket

Kashmir was a Muslim majority state ruled by Hindu ruler Maharaja Hari Singh, earlier Kashmir was ruled by Sikh rulers, when British defeated Sikhs in Anglo-Sikh war, they acquired Kashmir and later they sold it to Hari Singh’s forbears for 6millions.

Mohammad Ali Jinnah the founder of Pakistan, assumed Kashmir will accede to Pakistan as it was a Muslim majority state and geographically also it favored since Land routes between the two were open year-round, whereas the only land connection between Kashmir and India would often be closed in winter because of the snows.

Hari Singh wishes to be on throne, he was not interested in joining either of dominions, his old close friend Louis Mountbatten advised him to join either of dominion India or Pakistan as its difficult for Kashmir to remain independent as it was land locked among Pakistan in West, India in south and China on east. But Hari Singh was not ready to listen any words from Mountbatten, instead he started avoiding him.

Problem started when Jinnah after hectic week schedule and his deteriorating health thought of holidaying in Kashmir for 2 weeks, he sent this proposal to Hari Singh's secretary, which Hari Singh straight away rejected Jinnah's presence in Kashmir even as tourist. Jinnah was shocked on this and his govt infiltrated secret agent to Kashmir to under Hari Singh's motive. Agent after back replied Singh is ready to secede his state to India.

Pak infitrated Pathan tribemen into Srinagar to loot its precious Bazaar, and force the king to accede his state to Pakistan. India came to know about this invasion from Pak side but not from Hari Singh.

Mountbatten rejected idea of sending British troops to defend Kashmir and to protect British citizens, by doing this he thought may lead war in Indian Subcontinent. He was ready to send Indian army only after instrument of accessation was signed by Hari Singh.

Hari Singh was in a panic, fearful now that he might not only lose his throne but his life. On October 26, he agreed to cede Kashmir not to Pakistan, but to India, and he formally asked India for military help to oust the Pathans. Mountbatten agreed,but only on the condition that in the near future a vote be held;
he wanted Kashmir’s people to decide themselves whether they were to be Indian or Pakistani.
The Indian government agreed to the condition and dispatched the First Sikh Batallion to Srinigar by air to defend the city. By that time, there were tens of thousands of Indian troops in Kashmir, and 25,000 more Pathan tribesmen had joined those of the earlier invasion. end of the year. The Pathans occupied a part of western Kashmir, where they first established a free state called Azad Kashmir, or “Free Kashmir,” which they then ceded to Pakistan. Indian government cited Hari Singh’s accession agreement as the fact that gave India legal right to Kashmir.

Indian Prime Minister Nehru demanded that before any vote take place, the Pathans withdraw from “Free Kashmir.” His Pakistani counterpart, Muhammad Ali Jinnah, demanded that both the Pathans and Indian forces elsewhere leave Kashmir at the same time. Neither backed down. The conflict was finally settled by a ceasefire negotiated by the United Nations that took effect on January 1,1949. Even though the guns had stopped firing, temporarily, the underlying issues lay unresolved, and Mountbatten’s vote
never took place. Kashmir, the earthly paradise of the Mughals, is still partitioned

Saturday, July 16, 2011

Bidar..From cursed to cleanest city

"Do what I say else you ll be transferred to place where u find nothing to eat"
these words were common in Kannada movies literally to show cast its underdevelopment.

Bidar is a city in the Indian state of Karnataka.
Bidar is what Jammu Kashmir is to India, as J & K is land locked by China, Pakistan and Afghanistan so is Bidar landlocked on by Maha on Northern and Andhra on eastern side.

The History of the city goes back to the great Mauryan Empire. After the Mauryan, Satavahanas, Kadambas and Chalukyas of Badami and later Rashtrakutas reigned over Bidar territory. Chalukyas of Kalyana and Kalachuris also regained the area. For a short period after Kalyani Chalukyas the area of Bidar was under the sevunas of Devgiri and Kakatiyas of Warangal.Bidar Town which was on the frontier of Telingana and Baswakalyan forts were taken by Muhammad-Bin-Tughluq. Under Ala-Ud-Din Hasan Bidar was made a taraf/province under a governor. The Bidar town began to flourish as a provincial head quarters. Ahmad Shah Wali Bahamani took steps to develop the city of Bidar and its fort was rebuilt. Bidar was a part of Adil Shahi Kingdom. On the conquest of Deccan by Aurangzeb in the mid 17th century, Bidar became part of Mughal Empire.

Asaf Jah, A Mughal general founded the house of the Nizams of Hyderabad 1724. The Hyderabad state ruled by this dynasty included Bidar area also and its rule continued up to 1948.

It also place for renowned social reformers like Basavanna, Akka Mahadevi and Allama Prabhu who spent most of there time here spreading social awareness among people.

This way city was ruled by many Hindu and Muslims dynasties, whose impact can be easily seen from several Indo Persian style of buildings, tombs and Dravidian style temples.

Following are the major places of interest:
  • Guru Nanak Jhira Gurudwara, Place where Guru Nanak Dev ji has produced the spring of drinking water by touching a rock with his Toe.
  • Hazrath Shamsuddin Quadri Shrine popularly known as multani Badshah.
  • Choukhandi.
  • Barid shahi tombs and a Jail made by the British before independence.
  • Narasimha Zarna (Lord Narasimha Temple),
  • Papnash (Shiva Temple)
  • Bidar fort at Bidar,
  • The great Friday mosque at Bidar,
  • Nayee kamaan (fell down – so no more),
  • Madarsa (university) of Mehmood Gawan,
  • Choubara (watch tower)at Bidar,
  • Several dargahs of local Islamic saints, Basvesvara Temple, Barid shahi garden, Tomb of Mehmood Gawan, Kalyani shariff, 12th Century Cave, Kalyan shariff, Kalyan Fort, Kalyan shairff, Bidri Art Materials at Old City.

The city is famous for its Bidri arts.
Bidarians have still well maintained their cultural and religious values, here you ll find people starting their with holy chanting of vachanas and before sipping evening tea they ll have satsang.

People of the city very kind, helping, language of the mass is neither Kannada nor Hindi but mixed Kannda-hindi-Urdu language. Its funny to listen to their language.

Coming to the development point of view its considered to be one among the most backward district of India, Most of the local politician and elected representatives don't have their say in assembly, hardly their demands are heard, people mentality to give preference to caste over development has backfired the city's development work.
Once elected, politicians ll settle permanently in garden city Bangalore and there is no one hear the public grievances.There was no meaning of Law and order, even Media coverage was poor not because of zero crime but threat posed by the local goons.

But things have changed now people have realized the voting power, thanks to few Deputy Commissioners whose presence has changed the entire scenario now, now Bidar is among top 20 cleanest city in India.

You will find well laid all season reliable roads here, many of roads and footpaths are wider than Bangalore. City also has inner and outer ring road, airport.

In education sector its still well below the acceptable bar, still we find every year few toppers in state Entrance test for professional courses.

Now the city is in desperate need of Industries to stop migration of youths to other places in search of jobs. Establishment of Industries, IT companies and top technical institute will definitely benefits the job aspirant and it also add to the revenue of govt.

Its also high time for the govt to do developmental activities here as the people of the Hyd-Kar regions are demanding for a seperate statehood due to lack of govt will development, else no doubt it ll be another Telangana or vidharba or Bundelkhand uprising.

People grows both Kharif and Rabi crops. Jowar, rice and sugarcane are major crops here.
Roti(jolada rotti) is famous here and food rates affordable.

The district administration is arranging Bidar Utsav every year, festival will have many Cultural events,Sports events, Film festival, Food festival, Kite festival and also Health Mela. Many Artists of National and International fame have confirmed their performances in Bidar Utsav.

Recently few of Kannada movies shooting has taken place here, now artists feel pleasure to visit this heritage city of karnataka.

final words, Bidar is seem to be on development track, hope this will continue and emerge as popular destination for investors.